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Now Hiring: Are you a driven and motivated 1st Line IT Support Engineer?

Alex william

An excellent service management in the area of IT providing solutions. High level efficient solution to businesses growth.

Service One

Our Services

The smartest IT, smartest solutions!

Devfox IT Company can offer a range of flexible IT & data services. We are in the enviable position of having access to our own data centre & infrastructure. We can build completely bespoke solutions.

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Quick Facts

We believe in counting numbers

1 k

Global reach

our great work has been reach to global clients & their satisfaction

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Satisfied Clients

Provided the best quality services in IT and help business to grow

35 +

Years Experience

Celebrating 35 years! Let's take the moment to reflect milestone

170 +

Awards Win

To be honored peers is incredibly gratifying and we’re so thankful

Meet Our Team

How can we help you?

Every IT team is different, based on the culture & needs of its company, the experience & skills of the team members. Types of systems on which they are working. Here's the Devfox's work force

Stop wasting time and money on technology. Explore our company

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Pricing Plan

Choose An Affordable Plan.

We are offering high quality services in wide range. You can have any of them according to your business and services needs.

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Premium Plan

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  • IT Consulting
  • Product Engineering
  • Digital Solutions
We are still not sure how we got here, but we’re excited about where we’re going. Their innovators & engineer makes things easy and in a timely matter.

Victor Wilson

An excellent and hard working. Thanks to them, we were able to achieve our goal on time, and we look forward to continue working with them in the future.

Aenna Bell

An excellent and hard working. Thanks to them, we were able to achieve our goal on time, and we look forward to continue working with them in the future.

Er. john Martin

Let’s get started

Are you ready to get IT Solutions?

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